“Through the four-pronged strategy of the Adenan effect, Najib effect, politics of money and politics of fear/intimidation, caretaker Chief Minister Adenan Satem hopes to crush the DAP in its strongholds in Kuching, Sibu, Sarikei, Bintangor, Bintulu and Miri.”
He noted that there are analysts who believe that DAP had adopted a wrong strategy of “over-reach” in the state election by campaigning in Dayak areas all over the state.
The DAP veteran was conceding that his party had taken high risks in Sarawak and may fall between two stools on May 7, failing to defend the 12 seats it won five years ago and also failing to achieve any success and breakthrough in the 18 Dayak-dominated seats that it was contesting.
“Adenan and the BN in the state are doing their utmost to ensure that DAP Sarawak fails on May 7.”
“Only the voters can save the DAP from the four-prong attacks by BN Sarawak.”
Still, Lim held out that the most ideal result was for the denial of Adenan’s two-thirds majority in the State Assembly. “This is the best safeguard to protect the rights and interests of Sarawakians.”
However, he does not think this is likely to be achieved on Polling Day on Saturday. “I do not see the signs that the Opposition collectively will be able to win 28 seats, the ‘magic figure’ to deny Adenan two-thirds majority in the 82-seat Sarawak Assembly.”
Lim, who has been suspended from Parliament as Gelang Patah MP, was taking off from two issues in the 11th Sarawak state election being already decided: Adenan will be the Chief Minister for the next five years and BN will form the next Sarawak Government.
“The real issue to be decided on Polling Day was whether there’s going to be a strong, effective and principled Opposition grouping in the Sarawak Assembly,” said Lim. “This is important to ensure three things, that Adenan keeps his election promises to serve the people, he does not abuse his powers as Chief Minister; and to prepare for a new state government in five years’ time in the next state election in 2021.”
The DAP veteran called on voters to fully mobilize to save Sarawak. In particular, he called on voters to ensure that the DAP can campaign to capture the state government in 2021. “This is the only way to ensure real change and improvement in the lot of the people.”
Lim reiterated that DAP has adopted a very high-risk strategy. “There’s no doubt that it would be easier and safer to concentrate on defending the 12 DAP seats instead of more than doubling candidate numbers requiring the party to try to cover all the 31 constituencies where it has fielded candidates.”
However, he continued, the DAP decision for May 7 was right as a principled political party which wants to represent all Malaysians. “This is why DAP Sarawak wants to make a breakthrough outside the urban areas.”
“We want to demonstrate that the political change and meaningful development espoused by DAP have the support not only of the Chinese but also Dayaks and Malays.”
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