In his posting, Facebook user Irmanyadi Idris seemed to be of the opinion that most rally goers were ignorant about what was really going on and were only riding the wave of anti-establishment sentiment.
He also poked fun at those under the impression that the police had installed signal jammers causing bad reception on their mobile phones, “when the truth is that the signal is jammed because there are too many people gathered at one location”. Instead, rally-goers would protest that ‘they are trying to stop us from viewing Malaysiakini! Dogs!’.
He also claimed that most rally-goers would flee at the first sign of trouble. “After finding out that the Federal Reserve Unit have started to mobilise, they check to see from afar and spot two lines of FRU marching with batons and riot shields, and split faster than the wind.”
He then goes on to state that most participants go home pondering on what they’ve done and whether they have made any real difference, but console themselves with motherhood statements like “I have achieved something, I have brought about a change. This is the revolution and I am part of this revolution.”
He says that this conflict, on whether they actually achieved something or whether they were puppets of the political elite, continued to haunt the rally-goers all the way home.
“You look in the mirror trying to convince yourself that what you did during Bersih had meaning. But you can’t stop thinking about how most of your time was spent wondering, clueless and just sitting down.
“You look at the mirror again yet again trying to convince yourself that change will only happen to those who dare to change. You say to yourself ‘Have I been made a fool of by politicians? No way. I can’t be that stupid. It’s impossible I’ve been gamed. I rock.'”
His posting was shared by 97 users including My Nation News.
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