
Guan Eng trumpets ‘Malaysian dream’, sans kleptocracy, 1MDB, GST


In his New Year message Penang chief minister says the dream promises a future for all our children, and not just those of cronies and well-connected people in power.

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On the eve of 2018, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has called for the promotion of a “Malaysian dream”, free of problems like kleptocracy, 1MDB and the goods and services tax (GST).

The Penang chief minister said the dream, characterised by “freedom, justice, integrity, democracy and prosperity”, was not a monopoly of any one generation, gender or ethnic group.

In obvious reference to former prime minister and PPBM chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad, he said: “We can be 93 years old and still want change for a better future for our children.”

“This Malaysian dream promises a future for all our children, not just the children of the few cronies and well-connected in power.

“Never ever let our children’s future be stolen as ours were stolen with the numerous financial and corruption scandals,” Lim said in a statement today to bid farewell to 2017 and usher in the new year,

“We can dream of a Malaysia which is not a kleptocracy, free from corruption scandals such as 1MDB,” he said.

“We can dream of Malaysians free from paying GST or a country free from police custodial deaths.

“We can dream of a country that cherishes facts and truth, not fake news and lies. We can dream of a country that fights corruption, not use it as a political weapon to frame up and smear the reputation of political opponents,” he added.

Lim said the dream could be of a country that protects fundamental rights, the environment, permanent rainforests and the rights of women to make their own decisions free from harassment and blame.

“Why can we not dream of a country that helps the rakyat (people) instead of robbing them of their funds, rights, freedom, intelligence and even privacy?

“Why can we not dream of a government that promotes unity and mutual respect in our multi-racial society, instead of division and fear to the extent that extremist and racist calls are met with silence,” he added.

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