From TK Chua
Everything is subject to one’s personal agenda or political consideration, be it principle, religious precepts or values.
When we want to protect certain political personalities from attack, we claim that it is unfair to be personal in politics, as alluded to by Abdul Hadi Awang. It is then deemed unfair to attack a person or his family personally.
We also routinely use religious precepts to either support our own political agenda or to belittle the agenda of others. Often, religious principles are decreed and sold based on our own whims and fancies, more like a “head I win and tail you lose” dictum.
When political personalities commit wrongs, abuse power, neglect the interests of the people and pamper themselves with luxuries and extravagance, why shouldn’t the opponents and the people criticise them personally?
A ministerial position does not confer upon a person the power to commit wrong. Wrongs usually arise from personal greed, unwarranted ambition and total lack of empathy with the common folk.
We do not criticise leaders for fun. Those who accuse us of doing so have their own personal and political agenda for saying that.
We criticise our leaders because we see personal failings on their part. They are feeble, unable to take charge, lack empathy, are incompetent, wasteful, extravagant, abusive, undemocratic, or corrupt: all personal attributes that deserve to be attacked.
Some politicians from a political party claim to base their struggle based on religion. But what religious governance are they talking about, when all I can see is their personal interests and agenda filled to the brim. Instead of fighting injustices and corruption that are right in front of them, they pretend to sell religious precepts about not condemning others. Instead of doing something for the people here and now, they divert attention to heaven and paradise.
Do we need politicians and political parties who dare not ask those in power to personally account for their actions or inactions? Do wevneed politicians who contribute nothing except to talk about heaven andvhell? Cast them into the next garbage bin.
TK Chua is FMT Reader
The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.
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