
‘Laal Singh Chaddha’: a ‘Forrest Gump’ remake full of heart and soul


Co-produced by and starring Bollywood heartthrob Aamir Khan, this film is a sublime depiction of the essence of humanity.

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‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, which was released last Thursday, has received lukewarm response in India. (Viacom18 Studios pic)

“Laal Singh Chaddha” is a charming Bollywood remake of the 1994 Oscar-winning film “Forrest Gump”, whose Mama famously said: “Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get.”

Only in this version, Laal Singh Chaddha’s mummy provides her own spin on the quote: “Life is like a ‘golgappa’ – your tummy might feel full, but your heart always craves more” – referring to an addictive savoury street snack from India.

Otherwise, this heartwarming film more or less follows the original. It begins with Laal – played by evergreen actor Aamir Khan – telling his life’s story to strangers on the train. Given his earnest, innocent and childlike narration, the passengers think he is making it all up, but of course, he’s merely retelling them through his lens.

Just like Forrest, Laal is often mocked, bullied, and called dimwitted, and resorts to running as a form of catharsis – a means of leaving the past and pain behind, in exchange for that pure adrenaline and endorphin rush.

And similar to Forrest, Laal ends up joining the army; but where the former ends up running a successful shrimp business, the latter ends up managing a profitable undergarment trade.

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Aamir Khan, who also co-produced ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, is outstanding as the title character. (Viacom18 Studios pic)

Laal ends up falling in love with his childhood sweetheart, Rupa (Kareena Kapoor), who sees him as no more than a friend she’s extremely fond of. Burdened by a tragic childhood, she’s determined to make it big in the world, only to wind up in situations where she gets taken advantage of, largely owing to her lack of self-love.

While Laal remains heartbreakingly loyal in his unwavering affection for Rupa, she ends up in an abusive relationship with Abbas (Harry Parmar). It is a saddening imitation of her childhood, where her abusive dad wound up murdering her mother.

Real-life events

Aamir’s portrayal of Laal is exceptional and heartwarming, and will likely result in a bucket full of tears from even the most stoic of moviegoers. Mona Singh, meanwhile, plays a strong, independent, loving character as Laal’s mum, who brings him up singlehandedly and never once allows him to feel less than others.

The film also features many historical events in India, such as the 1984 military operation at the Golden Temple, the anti-Sikh riot that same year, the assassination of former prime minister Indira Gandhi, as well as the Kargil War with Pakistan – with the underlying message of the futility of war.

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‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ has sparked controversy in India, despite it being a film that unabashedly celebrates humanity. (Viacom18 Studios pic)

It’s also worth mentioning that the movie shines a light on domestic violence, which remains a serious problem in India and in many other parts of the world, including Malaysia.

And while some watch Bollywood movies for the elaborate song and dance sequences, there are none to be found here. Still, the few songs in the film, especially “Kahani”, have beautiful, philosophical lyrics that will make one ponder even after they’ve left the theatre.

Despite clocking in at two hours and 40 minutes, “Laal Singh Chaddha” doesn’t feel draggy or tedious as the audience is taken on a meaningful rollercoaster ride.


Despite being a film that unabashedly celebrates humanity, “Laal Singh Chaddha” has drawn controversy in India, which has resulted in a somewhat poor box-office reception.

In addition to protests in several regions, there has been outcry on social media, with certain parties calling for a boycott over the film’s alleged anti-Hindu religious sentiments and for the unfavourable portrayal of the Indian army.

In truth, the spirit of the movie is quite the opposite: it exudes warmth and love with the underlying objective of bringing people together, especially given that issues concerning caste and religion are very much prevalent in India.

All in all, “Laal Singh Chaddha” is a beautiful meditation on the human condition. It does so by portraying both suffering as well as the simple pleasures in life, not unlike the joys of eating a delicious piece of “golgappa”.

‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ is playing in cinemas nationwide.

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