
Learning to love yourself


Self-love is not easy to achieve but it can lead to many benefits in the long-run.

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Learning to see yourself in a positive way can result in better well-being. (Rawpixel pic)

Most caring and generous people have no problem showing their love for their friends, relatives and even strangers. But it is often harder to demonstrate affection for the self.

In fact, not everyone has a clear idea of what self-love entails. Some worry that it makes them appear self-centred. Others think it is a “feel-good” pop-psychology approach that lacks depth.

The truth is, practising self-love can be greatly beneficial for the following reasons.

  • As a prerequisite towards loving others

A person who feels confident and positive will have fewer hang-ups that affect their self-esteem. Those with low self-esteem tend to suffer in their relationships.

Recognising the value of the self can lead to healthier interactions and stronger bonds with others.

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Regular exercise and physical activity can help boost self-esteem. (Pixabay pic)
  • As a motivator to look after oneself

A person with low self-worth might overeat, or abuse drugs or alcohol. He or she might be indifferent about health, which could cause their loved ones to worry.

It is also more difficult for a person with poor health to look after someone else.

Therefore, loving the self can lead to stronger relationships with others and a better appreciation of your own physical and mental well-being.

How to practise self-love

Embracing self-love might require significant changes in one’s thoughts and habits.

  • Move away from things that provide temporary gratification, such as compulsive shopping or engaging in other distractions.
  • Set up a schedule that involves regular exercise, eating healthy foods and forging positive interactions with others.
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The process of self-love takes time and, in some cases, therapy. (Rawpixel pic)
  • Work to overcome challenges to grow in confidence. Giving in to fatalism seldom leads to growth, but overcoming adversity can lead to better self-appreciation and the ability to deal with future challenges.
  • Learn to forgive yourself for past transgressions. Removing feelings of guilt will help boost your outlook and optimism.

The process of learning to love yourself will take time. Sometimes a therapist might be required. But even though it requires ongoing practice and perseverance, remember that the end result is usually worth it.

Dennis Relojo-Howell is the founder of Psychreg. You can connect with him on Twitter @dennisr_howell

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