
3 gross bed-mates you can do without


The mattress – an oft-neglected part of the bedroom – could harbour unwelcome particles and microbes.

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Make it a point to clean your bed sheet and mattress regularly. (Pixabay pic)

While most people like to keep their bedrooms clean and tidy, when it comes to hygiene, the mattress is something that is often forgotten.

Studies show that mattresses carry thousands of bacteria when they are not cleaned regularly – but that’s not all.

Here are three gross things that you are probably sleeping with.

1. Dust

You might not think dust is a big deal, but it is the first indicator of how dirty your environment is.

Dust particles affect the colour of your bed sheet and its quality. More importantly, it can also cause health problems, especially if you are prone to allergies.

Aim to wash your sheets at least once every three to four weeks. If you have open windows or a balcony, wash them more regularly to get rid of dust from the outdoors.

It is also a good practice to air out your mattress every few months.

2. Microorganisms

Germs can obviously result in health complications, so change or wash your bed sheet regularly. Avoid leaving your mattress in wet or damp conditions as it can cause odours due to mildew and mould growth.

Cleaning your mattress with baking soda and a vacuum cleaner could help reduce the presence of microorganisms.

3. Dust mites

As dust accumulates, your mattress becomes a dust mite haven, which in turn could result in serious skin rashes and allergies.

If you have a case of mites, washing your bedding may not be enough. A professional mattress cleaning service may be the best solution.

This article first appeared in kaodim.com.

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