
Your comprehensive post-party cleaning checklist


Here’s a methodical, stress-free way of returning your home to its original condition after your big blowout is over.

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With a cleaning checklist, the fun of a gathering does not have to turn into despair the next day. (Envato Elements pic)

Hosting a party is surely on the minds of those longing to reconnect with friends and family. But even after a two-year pandemic break, the dreaded downside to organising a party – the cleanup – remains.

Dirty dishes, crumbs, spills and leftovers can leave your home a complete mess. Post-party cleaning and getting the house back to its original condition can be overwhelming.

The truth is, dealing with the aftermath of a party doesn’t have to be daunting. Here’s how you can make the cleaning process a breeze.

Before the party

1. Buy cleaning supplies

Cleaning supplies and tools are essential, so add them to your shopping list alongside the food and drinks.

Mops and brooms, trash bags, paper towels and cleaning clothes, as well as miscellaneous cleaners are likely to come into play.

2. Make rubbish areas visible

Place trash cans, garbage bags and recycling bins around the house where your guests can easily locate and use them.

3. Mark out areas for food and drink

Designated an area for food and drinks, with coasters and serviettes available wherever people will be gathering. Keep microfibre cloths or paper towels nearby to clean up spills as soon as they happen.

4. Empty the dishwasher and keep counters clean

Make sure your kitchen counters are clear and your dishwasher – if you have one – is empty. You’ll need the space to store dishes and glassware when the party is over.

Free Malaysia Today
With the proper supplies and preparation, cleaning becomes less stressful. (Envato Elements pic)

After the party

1. Collect rubbish

Use a large trash bag to clean out every room used for the party. Remove leftover food from plates and surfaces to keep ants and other critters away.

Fill a separate bag with empty bottles and recyclables, and put them outside as soon as you’re done.

2. Check for stains or spills on furniture/carpets

Inspect your carpets, rugs, and furniture for stains, and wipe up any spills. If you notice stubborn stains, immediately soak and treat them with a multipurpose cleaner.

Cleaning up right after a party is the best approach. The longer you leave stains on your carpets and rugs, the more difficult they will be to remove.

3. Clean the dishes

Collect dishes, glassware and utensils and bring them into the kitchen. If necessary, soak dirty pans and dishes in the sink first, and then load the dishwasher and run it.

If you don’t have a dishwasher, you will have to do the washing-up manually.

4. Load the washing machine

Wash all bathroom/kitchen towels and dirty linen in one load. Put everything in the dryer or on the clothesline as soon as the laundry cycle is done. But while you’re waiting…

5. Clean the kitchen areas

Use a moist cloth to wipe down the sink and counters in the kitchen and around the stove. Clean glass and stainless steel using a mixture of warm water and vinegar to eliminate grease from these surfaces.

Free Malaysia Today
Save time and avoid unnecessary stress by hiring a professional. (Envato Elements pic)

6. Clean the bathroom

Using disinfectant, clean the common surfaces in your bathroom such as the toilet seat, the toilet handle, sink, and faucet.

Apply toilet bowl cleaner under the rim and let it sit for a while before flushing. Then mop the floor in your bathroom thoroughly.

7. Wipe down common surfaces and wash floors

Use a wet cleaning cloth to wipe down surfaces such as coffee tables, countertops, knobs, and handles. Vacuum, sweep or mop your floor to complete your post-party cleanup.

Dealing with these tasks will be less overwhelming if you plan ahead and divide them into manageable steps. Alternatively, hire a cleaning service to come in and do it for you.

Now, go enjoy planning your party knowing you have your cleanup options covered!

This article first appeared in kaodim.com.

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