
We’ll move to end MoU, if kleptocrats make a comeback, warns Amanah


Amanah communications director Khalid Samad says the pact was signed with the goal of restoring political stability and ensuring clean governance.

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Free Malaysia Today
Pakatan Harapan leaders signing the memorandum of understanding with Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob in September.

Amanah has sounded out a warning that it will push Pakatan Harapan (PH) to review its memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Putrajaya, if “kleptocrats” are seen clawing their way back into positions of power in the government.

The party’s communications director Khalid Samad said with the MoU covering every aspect of governance including opposing corruption, it would be a serious violation of the pact if any former leader linked to corruption scandals were to make a comeback.

“If kleptocracy is seen to have influence over the Ismail Sabri Yaakob administration, then Amanah will recommend that PH review the MoU that was signed with sincerity (by the opposition),” he said in a statement.

He said the Sheraton Move in February last year saw the end of the PH government’s efforts to combat corruption, but the MoU had helped put the issue back on the table for now.

“Amanah strives for the principles of integrity and trust in politics. We consider this important in order to help uplift the ummah and the nation.”

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