In a statement, Mujahid Yusof Rawa said the focus must be on harmonising federal and state laws.
He said the religious affairs minister should play a leading role through the Syarak and Civil Law Technical Committee to harmonise the laws.
The Parit Buntar MP cited the example of Terengganu and Selangor, which had amended state laws to avoid conflicts with federal laws.
Previously, Perlis mufti Asri Zainul Abidin defended the conversions of Loh’s three children without her consent, saying under the state’s laws, the father, mother or a guardian could convert minors to Islam.
This is despite the 2018 Federal Court ruling in the M Indira Gandhi case that the unilateral religious conversion of a minor is illegal under the Constitution.
Mujahid, the Amanah vice-president, also urged religious affairs minister Idris Ahmad to intervene in the ongoing spat between Asri and Penang deputy chief minister P Ramasamy.
He said this was something he did when the two clashed in 2018 to ease tensions and resolve the conflict.
“The minister and his deputy should avoid making public statements that show their lack of understanding of the country’s laws as well as federal and state laws.
“Political parties also do not need to prove they are more qualified than others in fighting for this case (but must) find a way out of this legal conflict and bring calm to the people.”
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