DAP central executive committee member Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali claimed that the article accused PH of fraternising with the corrupt when it was in power.
In a statement, Sheikh Umar said the report was made at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters at 11am.
“This is a malicious and slanderous statement by someone who calls himself a religious scholar,” he said.
Sheikh Umar also said Hadi’s statements were rather hypocritical as his party had, at the PAS muktamar recently, decided to cooperate with Umno, “whose leaders are involved in various corruption cases”.
“We hope Hadi and Harakah Daily are immediately investigated.”
The Harakah Daily report, dated Sept 1, was written by PAS central committee member Zuhdi Marzuki and cites a separate article written by Hadi that was published on Aug 20.
Last week, police recorded Hadi’s statement after 28 complaints were lodged against him for saying that non-Muslims and non-Bumiputeras were at the root of corruption and formed the “majority of those involved in ruining the country’s politics and economy”.
In his article, Zuhdi said Hadi’s statement had drawn a quick and strong response from PH, which he claimed had “surrounded itself” with corrupt individuals during its time in power.
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