In a statement, DBKL said the plan was released on May 9 to address the recurring issue of flash floods in KL.
“DBKL and several other agencies are implementing flood mitigation measures as stated in the plan.
“Residents can refer to the auditor-general’s 2021 report by visiting https://lkan.audit.gov.my/,” it said.
Yesterday, several Kuala Lumpur residents said they would take DBKL and federal territories minister Shahidan Kassim to court in five days if information on its flood mitigation plan was not forthcoming.
Led by former Bersih chief Ambiga Sreenevasan, the residents served a letter through their lawyers to Shahidan to request updates on flood mitigation measures DBKL had promised the auditor-general that it would carry out this year.
Last month, the national audit department published a report which highlighted several failures on the part of DBKL to carry out flood mitigation projects proposed in its own flood master plan, the residents said in a statement.
In the report, the auditor-general concluded that only eight of the 104 flood mitigation measures proposed by DBKL had been implemented or were in the process of implementation, they said.
DBKL’s response to the auditor-general was that another 22 flood mitigation measures would be implemented this year.
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