
GPS retains Jepak with runaway victory


Iskandar Turkee polls 9,638 votes to win by a majority of 8,784, handing GPS a seventh straight victory in the Jepak state seat.

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Iskandar Turkee with his wife Dayang Loha Awang Sehari after he was elected the new assemblyman for Jepak, Sarawak, today. (Ukas Facebook pic)

Former anti-drugs agency director Iskandar Turkee was elected the new assemblyman for Jepak today in a runaway by-election victory for Gabungan Parti Sarawak.

The victory means GPS has retained the seat for a seventh term, scoring a majority of 8,784 votes according to the official results announced by the returning officer, Abang Zainuddin Abang Turkey.

Iskandar polled 9,638 votes while his rivals, Stevenson Joseph Sumbang of Parti Bumi Kenyalang received 854 votes while Chieng Lea Phing of Parti Aspirasi Sarawak received 431 votes.

The by-election had been caused by the death on Sept 15 of six-term assemblyman Talib Zulpilip, who was state minister for integrity and ombudsman.

In the 2021 state elections, Talib had polled 6,277 votes for a majority of 4,243 votes over his rivals Raba’ah Tudin of Parti Sarawak Bersatu, Stevenson, and independent candidate Tuah Kazan.

Iskandar was making his electoral debut in the by-election, while Stevenson was making a second attempt at winning the Jepak seat.

A GPS victory in the by-election had been widely expected, with political analysts predicting a bigger majority compared to the 2021 elections.

The Election Commission said that the turnout was 48.57% of the 22,804 registered voters. Three polling centres closed at 4pm, while the remaining 11 closed at 5.30pm.

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