
Senior citizen pleads not guilty to raping teen


Razali Mamat, 69, is alleged to have raped the girl at a house in Hulu Terengganu on Oct 28.

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The court granted bail at RM12,000 with one surety and ordered the accused not to make any contact with the victim or witnesses. (AFP pic)

A senior citizen pleaded not guilty in the sessions court here today to a charge of raping a 19-year-old girl two months ago.

Razali Mamat, 69, was accused of committing the offence at a house in Kampung Hulu Lerek, Hulu Terengganu, around 9.30am on Oct 28.

He was charged under Section 376(1) of the Penal Code, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and caning upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Noradila Ab Latif did not offer bail and requested the court to impose additional conditions to prevent the accused from harassing or making contact with the victim or prosecution witnesses until the conclusion of the case.

However, Razali’s lawyer, Shahir Mat Jusoh appealed for the bail to be set at a low amount on the basis that his client is unemployed and financially supported by his children.

Judge Zul Zakiqudin Zulkifli granted bail at RM12,000 with one surety and approved the additional conditions requested by the prosecution.

He also ordered Razali to report to the nearest police station monthly and set Jan 23 for case mention.

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