
Dr M’s race baiting, partnership with Ibrahim Ali doesn’t augur well for country


We just don’t need any more divisive politics and rhetoric.

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Free Malaysia Today

From Clement Stanley

The possibility of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali coming together under Ibrahim’s Putra reeks of desperation.

This is especially after Mahathir mischievously said he feared a cut in Malay power should Malay majority seats be reduced as a result of a change in election boundaries.

Yes, Mahathir had joined forces with Ibrahim in the past under Gerakan Tanah Air for the 15th general election, but the former Langkawi MP was with Pejuang then. He has since left.

But with Mahathir’s latest concern about the possible dwindling of Malay power, is the grandmaster of politics falling back on an old trick – the race card.

He is sowing the seeds of fear and planting evil and unwelcome thoughts in the minds of the Malays even before there is any talk of a redelineation exercise by Anwar Ibrahim’s government.

Now couple Mahathir’s race baiting with Ibrahim’s leanings.

Who can or ever will forget Ibrahim’s infamous call to “burn the Bible” in April of 2014 when he headed Perkasa ? I certainly won’t forget that, neither would many, especially in East Malaysia.

Just imagine the coming together of such extremism at its worst. It does not augur well for a country that has been built over the years on the concept of tolerance, respect and harmony amongst the people of this land. When we became independent in 1957, we were living in harmony despite being a multiracial nation.

There was no divide be it by race or religion. But that all changed once Mahathir introduced his brand of politics. And in the likes of Ibrahim, he has found a partner in crime who would not hesitate to play the religious card at every opportunity.

Is this what Malaysians want ? Is there any need to prolong this idea of having first and second class citizens ?

Perhaps this present generation has come to accept that it is, what it is. But what about the future generations to come ? Will there be hope for them ? Only time can tell.

The last thing the country needs now is to scare off investors. This present government is trying its best to turn things around. This is predicted to be a difficult year globally. What we need now is to come together and stand together.

We just don’t need any more divisive politics and rhetoric. If you have unwelcome fears and thoughts, do us all a favour and keep it to yourself.

There are more important things in life than the lust for power.


Clement Stanley is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.

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