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How Food Aid Foundation redirects surplus to feed the hungry

How Food Aid Foundation redirects surplus to feed the hungry

The NGO, which has distributed nearly RM20 million worth of food in a year, has been making a nationwide impact since 2013.

Kedai gunting rambut mesra anak autistik rahmat buat ibu bapa

Kedai gunting rambut mesra anak autistik rahmat buat ibu bapa

Darmalingam Manickam dari Mr D Hair Studio di Bangi mengadunkan kemahiran menggunting rambut dengan kefahaman mengenai keperluan insan istimewa.

Viriya feeds over 100 stray dogs in Gombak

Viriya feeds over 100 stray dogs in Gombak

This 65-year-old lorry driver dedicates each day to caring for defenceless animals, primarily at his own expense.


How Food Aid Foundation redirects surplus to feed the hungry

How Food Aid Foundation redirects surplus to feed the hungry

Kedai gunting rambut mesra anak autistik rahmat buat ibu bapa

Kedai gunting rambut mesra anak autistik rahmat buat ibu bapa

Viriya feeds over 100 stray dogs in Gombak

Viriya feeds over 100 stray dogs in Gombak